First Day Of School.

 We made it!

Web and I had our first day back with meetings. Charlotte had her legit first day of JUNIOR year! Wow. Big, big year for the kid. She survived the first day so that's a plus LOL. Day 1- DONE. She has time to come home and do her homework before she heads off to her softball practice from 6-8 PM tonight. The more I see this fall softball schedule, the more I'm grateful she decided to give up the volleyball and concentrate just on the softball. I don't know how she would have juggled both. She's with a newly revamped softball organization that has 2 mandatory practices each week (far), then tournaments almost every weekend in the fall. IT'S A LOT. For all of us here. So today, it was so nice to have her home right after school, recapping her day with me, sitting doing homework and then off to practice. You need that calm down time before running to the next activity. So important.

So our students come tomorrow for the first time. I'm teaching 1 Spanish class, then pushing into English, Algebra and Global Studies to help kids that don't speak English. On the bright side, I'm making more money and getting out an hour earlier. Score!

Web is coaching after school, so he's back into that routine. I'm sure we'll all be in bed early tonight.

Just wanted to catch you up on the first day of school. Thank goodness, it's a short week :)

Off I go to prep the girl's early dinner before practice. And so it begins, right?


