Mid Week Catch Up.

 Good Morning all!

Cold (64 degrees) and rainy here the last 2 days through tomorrow. What a drastic change in temps. Holy Crazy! I hope this weather figures itself out before we take off for our big Jersey Shore Beach Party Getaway. Fingers crossed! We leave Sat 8/17 for a week. And we are all getting VERY excited. By the minute.

(chilly mornings here)

So we got back from upstate later on Sunday and our summer vacation finally started this Monday! Charlotte kicked it off with a much needed beach day with her friends. Then Tuesday, she and 6 friends went to Six Flags. They had a great time. Left early in the AM, only took 2 hours to get there, rode a bunch of rides, then it started raining around 6 PM so they left. It was a fun day had by all.


Yesterday, she had a waaaay overdue haircut appointment. We've been waiting to get her a good chop since softball ended last week. So that was a big TO DO -done. Picked up some supplies to put together a beach house first aid kit for when we take all these teens away. TRUST me, having already taken Marina and Charlotte's BFF away to SC and them getting stung by jellyfish and attacked by bugs. You need a good supply kit. So Char and I went yesterday to pick up all of that. Got a compact case at the Dollar Tree to store it all and that's that.

This week I have to concentrate on washing all of the new linens I bought for the beds when we go away. I have most of the decorations packed up, I just have to get a few more things from my decoration bins downstairs, then steam all of our party outfits and that's that. PRAY for us the weather is amazing! 

Barb, I mentioned is our third chaperone, we need an extra person to keep an eye LOL and plus, this is our old family stomping ground. Lots of memories for us there for over 40 years. We cannot wait to share that again! We miss it terribly.

This Saturday Barb is having us and Uncle Joe over for a casual BBQ. Good to get out of the house. Charlotte is coming with us, but then has a party we will take her to at around 8PM.

Mom and Dad's BMW they've had FOREVER, it's been real good to them, finally crapped out yesterday. They needed a new transmission  and it just was so expensive and not worth it to fix it, so they got a new car. A little SUV. Happy for them!

Charlotte took us to this burger joint in town last night. She loves it and goes with her friends a lot. So last night was the perfect rainy night to go and it didn't disappoint.

She is headed to the batting cages tonight to keep that bat swinging. Softball starts up again in September. Not sure when the tournaments start.

So that's that. I'm headed out with the girls tonight for my first outing of the summer! LOL Should be fun. Going to a new restaurant right here in town that opened. But it's chilly! LOL  Like not summer clothes wearing time. I had to take out my long sleeve work shirts from the back of my closet! Nuts.

Okay guys. I'll check back in over the weekend. Love to all xo Ann 
