Boston Birthday Weekend.

 Happy Monday guys!

Welp, we spent the weekend in Bean Town. My birthday was on Saturday and I spent most of it in the car driving up to Boston. Not how I pictured spending my birthday. What should have been a 3 hr trip turned into a loooong 5 hr trip. Yikes. That was NOT fun. We stayed in a big Marriot in Cambridge right in the heart of the city. It was actually smack in the middle of MIT's campus, which we didn't realize took up 6 million square foot of Boston along the Charles River. It was tremendous. Very modern ,sculptural buildings right there with bustling Boston surrounding it. So crazy how within one block you go to the popular shopping/eating area of Newbury St. then walk one block and it's QUIET MIT. So crazy.

(poured rain from the minute we arrived on Sat)

Harvard was across the bridge from MIT also. We didn't have a lot of time to actually "celebrate" my birthday because we arrived so late. We found a small, quaint Italian restaurant 6 blocks away from the hotel. We ate there, then headed out to bring Charlotte to Newbury St to her favorite store where she was able to do some shopping before she headed to the camp all day Sunday.


The camp was all day Sunday. She woke up with a cold, so that didn't help. She survived though and played great. She loved the female coach. She was young, early 30's and super nice. While she was playing her heart out, we had time to explore Boston. It's hard when you have to check out of a hotel at 11 and need to waste the whole day kind of walking aimlessly around a big city. Boston is definitely beautiful. The people are so nice, it's extremely clean and lots of shopping and oohing and ahhing. But it's hard when you basically have a homebase that's your car. This travel life is not easy. The camp was supposed to end at 3 but she didn't release them until 4:15 which pushed our getting home time in massive traffic until almost 10 PM. It was horrible. Then school and work for us today. I think Web has a meet tonight too. Yikes.

(Char and the MIT Head Coach)

Charlotte can't wait to get home and rest. No practice or after school commitment today, so she can really take advantage of resting. She has Homecoming this weekend, then her Dad signed her up for another camp on Sunday at Trinity in CT. But just the two of them will leave early on Sunday and head back home later on. No need for the whole gang to trek up there too.

Barb and Mom said they wanted to give me a birthday do-over on Friday so I'm excited to see them.

That's all for now. There's no place like home, right?

Can't wait to finally get rid of all these left over summer flowers and plant some fall mums this weekend. CANNOT wait to not sit in a car all weekend for the first time in FOUR WEEKS!

Have a great week!

xo Annie
