
 Can't believe it has been 23 years since 9/11. Crazy.

Life has been craaazyyyy here. I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday then we pack up to leave again on Friday after school to head back up to Connecticut. I'm anticipating horrible Friday traffic, so Char will be my co-pilot again and hopefully the trip will be painless. Probably around 2 1/2 hours...

I finally get paid on Friday so that will take the sting a bit out of this trip. After that big Sweet 16 week away with all the kids at the end of the summer, I've been counting the days until payday.

Charlotte has been keeping us busy with practices 2-3 times a week, a separate batting lesson and school obligations. Plus our own obligations. Seriously, I can barely catch my breath with the new classes I'm doing this year too.

Anyway, lots going on as usual. Charlotte reached out to the Trinity softball coach to let them know she will be at the tournament this weekend, so we'll see... Fingers crossed. You have to invite coaches to come and see you if you're in their neighborhood.

She will be attending a camp at Trinity in a few weeks on a Sunday so she'll get to see the campus. She's also sent a few emails out to some other school coaches. She's also attending another camp at MIT in Boston the weekend of the 21st. So we're trying little by little to put the feelers out there.

That's the update for now. Web has a meet this weekend, he won't make it up to CT until really late on Saturday after we're done playing for the day. So he can do what he can do... I'm flying solo softball Mom again. But I do like the girl time I get with Charlotte :)

Went to my 8th week of acupuncture today and it seems to REALLY be helping me which I'm super happy about. The thing with that is patience and consistency. It's the only thing I'm doing for myself and I'm not giving it up because we're busy, I'm exhausted or broke. It's something I need to continue. 

Can't wait to have a "free" weekend, when? I don't know. But I need to decorate for fall soon to pep things up around here. Change of the season is good. I welcome it!

Love to all,


