Monday Heeey.

 Happy Monday guys!

We/ve had an eventful few days. Well, let me start with how the weekend started... Web was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, his foot fell asleep while he was sitting on the kitchen stool, he went to stand on it and cracked his foot. He went up to the stupid (don't ever go if you can avoid it) Urgent Care on the corner, where they xray'd it and said, hmm, you a very small fracture. It should be okay. Yeah um, NOT. Fast forward to the last two days of him in excruciating pain, foot is blue and purple up to the ankle, he followed up with his foot doctor this morning who said, "YOU NEED EMERGENCY SURGERY ASAP! You have a Jones fracture." But please, get a second opinion. UMMMMMMM. So we just got back from a different surgeon who said, "Yes, you have a deep Jones Fracture, BUT I don't think you'll need surgery." Well, that's all we needed to hear to make us feel a million times  better! We are supposed to be going on a big vacation on Saturday and well, a bazillion things were running through our heads... His coaching, surgery, working, the vacation. Don't ask. So long story short, the surgeon wants to see him in 2 weeks to check the bone healing progress in another X Ray. He can't run until he sees him again. We can cart him down to the Jersey Shore to recover with his feet up overlooking the ocean!  So big lesson here- Do not go to those Doc In The Box walk in clinics if you have something that may be broken... It was misdiagnosed in a big way. Secondly, ALWAYS get a second opinion. The first doctor told him he was too young NOT to have the surgery, if he were 80 he'd recommend no surgery and sit with your feet up for 6-8 weeks... So you see, you never know. Our heads went to that dark place... Yes, he's laid up for a bit but no surgery is huge.

Moving on...My sister surprised us on Saturday with a visit from my brother since we didn't get to see him when we were upstate last weekend. It was so great to see him since he had his surgery and his spirits and attitude were SO great! He looked great and happy. Yayyyy!

So we had a little blip here, but I'm turning the ship around to get all of this stuff packed up and organized to take these kids away. Lots to do, especially when you have one of you very limited but I got this. Little by little...

He'll be okay, just going to take some time to heal.

Went to the movies yesterday and saw that It Ends With Us about that book everyone loved! The movie was not good, unfortunately. I had the bar set high. Ugh. Popcorn was good though! LOL

Love to all xo, Ann
