Friday Eve & Away We Go (again)

 Happy Almost Weekend all. 

Quick check in as we are packing up again to head upstate to see Web's family tomorrow after Char gets out of work.

Weather here has been brutal this week. 92 yesterday and today and HUMID! Hoping it's not as oppressive upstate. We'll see. I spent all day cleaning the heck out of the house so we walk into a neat, spotless place when we get home on Sunday.

Char and Web are heading out to her big travel ball try out tonight, so please send her some good vibes :)

She's BEAT. It was a very very busy June/July for her with softball and work and taking that women's studies workshop ( Her Story Ambassador Internship) I mean, SHE deserves a gold medal. This kid...

So that's that for now. I'll have an upstate recap on Sunday night. Hope you're all great and beating this awful heat. We have been working overtime to try and keep the summer garden thriving! Yikes.

Love, xo Ann
