Weekend Tournament Recap

 Happy Monday!

Happy July 1st!

Happy Summer Vacay!

We had a 2 day day tournament this weekend and were EXHAUSTED by the time we got home yesterday. Thank goodness we have the week in between tournaments to revive ourselves. No joke.

This tournament, first day, first inning, Charlotte head a head on collision with a runner sliding into second base. It was scary. She was hurt but thankfully, not too bad. We thought her nose could have been broken, but it wasn't  just badly swollen at the bridge and slight black eye. Charlotte went down for the tag and the girl's helmet got her right in the face. Hard. So, she had a terrible headache and sat with ice for 2 games. The coach basically sat her the rest of the day, but put her in the last game to bat and she cracked a nice one, a double I think with an RBI. So Saturday, sucked! LOL

But yesterday, after a night of icing the face, we got up at 5:30 AM to head out for Tournament Day 2. It was a game by game elimination. It was a nailbiter. He had her play the entire game at shortstop and she had quite the comeback. Wish you could see all the videos on Instagram. She ran down a girl in a pickle that was so good it could have been on ESPN highlights! LOL  She had a great game in the field. Made a ton of clean, excellent plays. So proud of her.

So by the time we got home yesterday we were BEAT! But it was so great the tournament was canceled in Hershey and relocated to a half hour from our house! It was such a treat!!!

Still getting prom pics sent to me here and there. Last week was so busy it was a blur! Now onto summer vacay mode. Our first Monday off and we are headed to the beach! This is the summer of US and enjoying every bit of "free time" we can. Because we don't get a lot of it around here. Looking forward to little day trips and soaking it all in.

Happy July everyone! xo, Ann
