Red, White & Woohoo.

 Happy Friday guys!

Happy Post- Fourth of July. Hope it was everything you wanted it to be. Ours was nice, quiet, low key and fun.

I mentioned everyone in our fam had different plans this year, so that left us and Mom and Dad with nothing going on. So why not do nothing together right? We got some great marinated skirt steaks from this delicious Italian market. I made fries, we had ravioli salad, roasted peppers and onions, garlic bread and all the side salads.  Definitely a crowd pleaser and Mom brought some delish dessert. We took a ride after dinner to a local casino and had a real fun time! Charlotte had plans with her friends and slept out and her BFF Cameron's house, so it was a real chill night. We cam home around 8:30 last night to a ton of neighborhood fireworks that were really over the top and lasted until, get this 11:30 last night! LOL  Quite the crazy, loud show. Like did they spend $20, 000 on fireworks to last that long or what? Not even Macy's was that long? Dear Lord. The dogs must have been going nuts!

So a real nice, quiet time. But good to have company and get out of the house.

Today, I spent about 2 hours reorganizing and purging my entire closet. Man, oh MAN, that felt real good. Then Charlotte and I had a mother/daughter bonding afternoon spending all my casino winnings on outfits for her Beach Party Sweet 16 in August. We are having some fun theme nights for the girls so we needed to start buying everything before they have out sweaters in the stores!

Tomorrow, it's back to softball all weekend. But good news is, next weekend we have NOTHING! Yipppeeeeee  We definitely need to plan something fun as a family. It's rare, SUPER RARE, they are giving us a weekend off from travel ball. So tomorrow, we have to leave the house ready by 7:45 AM. She will be playing 3 games tomorrow and game by game elimination on Sunday. Hope the weather holds out.

So that's what's new on our end. Hope you are all good.

Stay cool. This humidity!  xo, Ann
