Baby You're A Firework!

 Happy Fourth of July guys!

Summer is in full bloom here. Flowers are popping in all their July glory, the teachers here are relaxing like never before, Charlotte is enjoying this free week in between her tournament this weekend and work starting and all is good :) No drama, no running ourselves into the ground- all is QUIET (for now lol)

Tomorrow, Char has plans with her friends and bf. She hasn't seen him since a week ago at the prom! His family left for a mini vacation to Fire Island right after. So she's excited to see him and spend time with friends. Barb is headed to her in laws in NJ, so that left Web and I home and my parents, so we are having just them over for a quiet steak dinner and then maybe a ride to the casino. I'm SO over sitting in the house, day after day, in between softball tournaments. Nope.

Monday, Web and I spent the day on the beach. Yesterday, myself, Barb and the girls spent part of the day over at Mom's pool and today, Charlotte joined a local gym with her friends to go workout before the beach! Yes, yes and yes!

We live so close to the most beautiful beaches and boardwalks, why wouldn't we take full advantage of it?

So Happy Fourth everyone! Hope you are enjoying some good ol' fashioned BBQ time. We are grilling out some marinated skirt steaks. I can't wait.

Started Season 3 of The Bear on Hulu. Slow start, so I'm hoping it picks up.

Love to all! xo, Ann
