We survived! We did it! School is officially over as of this afternoon. Let's have a moment of silence for a super trying year here.

The PROM was a huge success despite the HOT 90 degree temp. Charlotte was radiant in her blue gown. She really cleaned up well out og her softball uniform :)\

She's still dead asleep. The prom itself was over at 10;30 PM last night, but then the after prom party was in NYC until around 3 AM. They were home here by 4:30 AM. She's been knocked out since. She was exhausted coming off of Monday's two Regents exams! Her Spanish teacher called me yesterday to tell us she scored 100% on that Regents. Go Char!

Back to the prom... Her bf Otto, is a junior, he came to pick her up, give her the corsage and all that and then Web drove them to  pre-prom party before the Junior AND Senior classes all show up down at the waterfront in town to walk the boardwalk by the docks and be announced with their dates, for everyone to see. It's really cute. I feel like every school should do that. Great idea!

We said good-bye to her there and off they went in a giant prom bus.

I was actually happy to see what was what before her actually junior and senior years. At least I know what's in store! And man, it's A LOT! LOL

All in all it was perfect. But I'm so glad to close the chapter on this school year.

And boy oh boy are we ever ready to get this SUMMER PARTY started guys! Stay tuned...

Love to all xo Annie
