Full Summer Vacay Mode...

 Happy Friday guys! Well, yesterday was our official first day of summer vacation and what did we do, NOTHING! It felt so great to just have to make sure Charlotte got to her summer job orientation and then to a late softball practice. That was it for our obligations and it was awesome.

(back in the uniform)

She was offered a job, a real job, as a camp counselor with a weekly salary, at her Varsity Softball Coach's summer camp for little kids. It's not a softball camp, it's a summer camp for kids ages 3-10 for 3 hours a day. So she'll be finished by noon everyday and still have time to hang with friends, go to the beach, etc. It's the best! She's in charge of 9 little campers who are peewees- 3 years old! LOL All from the neighborhood. Two of the kids live on our block. So it will be fun and easy. And she makes some real good cash. And tips. She was so excited he offered her that job because he mostly gives those jobs to college kids. It's a great gig and doesn't interfere with her softball.

(love all the colorful gowns)

So we have been in rest and recovery mode here. No joke. Last month or so has been INSANE! Especially when you have a kid involved in so many things. All good, but exhausting. So we are recovering from the insanity. We were all so thrilled to hear her Hershey PA tournament was cancelled this weekend and brought to Long Island! We would have had to have left last night to get to PA, but parents finally spoke up and said 4 days away in a hotel? And they have jobs! Like helloooo, no, not feasible.

So she has a tournament this weekend out on the Island about an hour away which we'll will take any day over 4 hours in a car. Weather seems iffy again this weekend, so we'll see. Today, is supposed to be the nicest of the days.

I'm still getting prom pictures coming my way so I'll share. She said the prom itself was SO fun! The after prom party dragged on. It was late. But so fun for her to experience as a sophomore.

Today, I have a way overdue hair appointment. I can finally tend to MYSELF! LOL Charlotte has a fun beach day planned with her friend. All is good and quiet (for once ) on our end. Settling into this summer vacation.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Yikes, how about that debate last night? 

Happy Birthday to our girl Shannon today!

xo Annie 
