Daddy's Corner Revisited

 Yikes!  Remember Daddy's Corner (which was Ann's "nice" way of saying - can you please blog for me today?) ?   Alas, it's been awhile. . . so hello to everyone!

Well. . . we continue winding down. . . 3 teaching days left, then we go into final exams.  So we are ALL looking forward to that.  Remember when you were a kid, how excited you'd get as summer vacation loomed nearer and nearer?  Trust me, that is  NOTHING compared to how excited adult teachers get!!

We received some interesting news yesterday.  Seems Charlotte's travel softball team, the NY Jaguars, is merging with another team, the "Empire State Huskies."  Apparently this is a big deal.  Ann and I know so very little about the travel softball culture.  Seems this is a much bigger "organization" that is nationally affiliated.  From what I've been told, it will heighten the caliber of play and interest from colleges.  I guess this team is very well known throughout the country.  Being aligned with this new team will generate more interest among college coaches since the organization already has such a stellar reputation of building highly skilled athletes who go on to play at the collegiate level.  Additionally, it opens us up to new contacts and opportunities for the girls to find a good college placement.  So the buzz from all the other parents on the team is that this is a good thing.  I will just have to take their word for it.  At the end of the day, all we really want to see is Charlotte continuing to become a skilled player who is enjoying what she does.  If, when all the dust settles, this gives her a competitive edge at the college level, then we are all for it!

The travel season is slowly getting under way.  We had a scrimmage last Saturday, and we had another one this past Saturday (in which Charlotte hit a TRIPLE!). . . and now. . . we're all in.  I think the next 3 weekends in a row we are occupied. . . CT this upcoming weekend, Malta, NY the next weekend (maybe near Saratoga?), and the weekend after that somewhere in PA. . . so off we go on our mini tour of the East Coast.  Lord, I get tired just reading it!

And in good news - even as I type this - I received a phone call, saying our car, which has been in the shop, is finally ready for pickup.  So we'll go get that soon. . . Thank God!  We made it work without Ann's regular car.  I guess having 2 motorcycles and an VW Beetle didn't hurt too much :)

Nice to speak to everyone!  I hope all of you are off to a wonderful June.

