Memorial Day Recap.

 Happy Memorial Day everyone!

The weekend got away from me and here we are Memorial Day night at 9 PM, go figure!

It was kind of a low-key beginning to the weekend. Web was at West Point all day for a former student's graduation. It was a long day for him. Took longer to get there with all the insane holiday traffic, than he was actually there. He didn't get home until around 6 PM Saturday and that was that. Charlotte had a fun Memorial Day party with all the kids from her grade and some juniors. I was on my own, prepping the house for my family BBQ on Sunday.

The weather cleared up, the sun came out and we had such a nice day together. No craziness, not a lot of people, a small group of us and it was just what the doctor ordered. We missed my brother. He still is suffering terribly with such bad sciatica he can barely stand. I feel bad when people are suffering in that much constant pain, poor guy :(

So it was a much smaller group than we are used to, but it was nice to sit and actually talk to everyone. Sometimes we all get together and I don't talk to enough of everyone. Hopefully, we will see the Logios Fam soon.

We cooked out all the BBQ favorites burgers and dogs and all the side salads and corn on the cob and beans and fries, you name it. We had it. And great sweets. The guys were all huddled around the TV watching the Ranger game.

We have a busy rest of the week here. Char's Hometown Hero award assembly is Wed, then I have that Parent Fundraiser Friday night, so I've been super busy with that. Saturday is Charlotte's first travel ball scrimmage of the summer and then cue the June insanity! We have final exams to get though and Charlotte is going to the prom! Jesus take the wheel!

Sending lots of love to everyone xo Ann  

