Hometown WHAAAT?

 Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!

We've had some great news these last few days. We got a note home yesterday from the School Superintendent from Charlotte's school that she's receiving the HOMETOWN HERO award next Wednesday at the Board Meeting for her contributions, service and do-gooding for the community. What AN HONOR! We are over the moon and beyond gushing proud of how great our kid turned out. Man, we are blessed.

So next Wednesday night, she will receive the award and I contacted a few of her close friends to meet us there and surprise her to cheer her on. Go Char! This on the heels of her getting the ALL COUNTY HONORABLE MENTION nod for softball. So yay all around :)

Just wanted to share that tidbit of good news!

We are super excited to get this Memorial Day Weekend started and just chill. By chill I mean get everything in order for this Parents' Night Out Fundraiser next Friday and our BBQ Sunday.

Have fun y'all!

xo Ann

