
 It's the Last Dance here tonight with Charlotte's last game of the regular season tonight BUT they made the playoffs! YAY! That schedule we will probably get later today.

And the exciting news... She finished the season in the newspaper as the TOP 4th Homerun Hitter in all of Nassau County and the 5th TOP hitter in all of LONG ISLAND! Whaaaat?! Uncle Buddy, how about that for the little 15 year old. All of the 3 girls above her were all Seniors (3 years older than her!) SOOOO proud of her accomplishments on the field this year. At the game on Monday night she cracked another incredible homerun that had her rise to the top of those stats! My parents were there to see it. It was so exciting!  I want to thank them for coming out for every.single game of hers. Freezing cold, raining, hot you name it, they were there cheering her on. So thank you so much for all your support!

So onto the playoffs right? I hope they hold their own, but like my Dad said to me today on the phone, no matter how they do in the playoffs they had a FANTASTIC season. They won something like 14 games. At the Varsity level, that's pretty amazing. So the playoffs will be another adventure you'll have to stay tuned for...

Tonight, they are the playing against the school where we work. Should be "fun!" And it's also their senior night where they honor 4 of the graduating seniors. So it's a nice tribute game to them. Their star pitcher is graduating which really stinks :(

After that, we will try and make it to an awards assembly where Charlotte is getting an award. But with the game, hopefully we'll make it.

Have a great rest of the week guys! You know I'll be checking back in with softball updates.

Thanks for all the support.

xo, Annie
