Back To School.

 Singin' the Hump Day Blues here.

We had a looong break from school and it was real hard for the three of us to get back at it today, starting with the 5 AM alarm!

I'm on these really strong antibiotics still so they are kicking my butt. My head is still draining all the gunk out not to sound gross. I have 2.5 more days on the meds and then hopefully, praying I'll be a thousand times better. The ear was acting up again because of all the fluid today, so really, can't wait for this to be out of my system. BUT, the show, they say, must go on...

Speaking of, the softball show continues tonight at 5 PM. The girl has an away game, we probably won't walk in the door tonight until 8 PM. So you know, rush after school to do the lesson plans for tomorrow, meal prep and ironing. Web and I will be running out of here in about 20 minutes to try and beat the rush hour traffic!

She also has a game tomorrow night and a late game Sat night (7-9 PM) then next Mon and Wed, then collapsing! LOL

She had the chance to escape from the madness yesterday after practice and head out to the Hamptons with her BFF Cameron and her Mom for a few hours. They did some shopping and had a nice lunch. It was much needed.

I mentioned Web ripped out the shrub in the front and I went and bought TEN boxwood bushes to line the border and a few hydrangea for the back. Opens up the whole front nicely. Can't wait to see it fill in.

So yes, busy, busy beavers here.

Just thankful only 2 days of school left this week.

Hope you're having a nice, warm week also :)

xo Ann
