We made it!

We've officially started our 12 day Spring Break vacation. When I say "vacation" yeah, it's technically a vacay from school/work but unfortunately softball is still going on... She had a really late game last night away -We didn't walk in the door until 9:30 PM. Mom and Dad met us there. They are such troopers, sitting out there cheering her on in the cold. Glad she has nice representation at every game. Unfortunately, the team did not play their best and had their second loss. Super disappointing all around. But, it's over. She just found out they have a make-up game on Wednesday night, which stinks because we already had plans at Mom and Dad's to celebrate Barb's birthday. We will just have to go late, but it is what it is right? 

On a brighter note, we are getting out of here Monday and Tuesday to go visit Amherst College. Charlotte also heard back from the softball coach and said even though they are in the thick of softball there right now, to reach out after our tour and maybe we can meet with the coaches! That would be super fun :)

So at least we are getting out and doing something this break. Just not having to wake up at 5 AM is a joy!

We are also trying to tackle things here and there around the house. Web is currently power washing the back of the house that is at least two years overdue. Having a white house it should be done every year but oh well...

Tomorrow if the weather is decent I would like to see if he can rip out that giant hedge under the dining room window. This way we can mulch it and re-landscape in there before the summer. Will open up the whole front of the house.

So that's it for now. We are loving this time off and embracing every last second. I'll check back in from Amherst and let you know what we thought.

Love to all xo Ann
