Shake, rattle and roll.

 Earthquake City here.

I'm sure you've heard by now, we had a 4.8 earthquake here on Long Island/New York and 5.1 in NJ! Then 2 aftershocks yesterday one was a 4.0 we felt it on the field at last night's softball game! Never experienced an earthquake before of that magnitude and let me say, it shook everyone. I was up in front of class teaching, I felt a jolt under my feet and a constant shake and rattle for over 30 seconds, the kids desks were moving in front of me and it was beyond surreal. You just never think- New York-Earthquake. It was a bit scary...

Anyway, we went to Charlotte's softball game last night and it was FREEZING. Probably the coldest I've been at so far. BUT, the kid had another spectacular game at bat. She was a hitting machine. Her form is so great! That batting coach has definitely worked wonders with her in just a year. SO proud of her. I love watching her out there because she loves it so much. She has another game on Monday night, but Web and I have ANOTHER parent/teacher conference at our job, so Mom and Dad will step in again and be at the game and bring her home afterwards. Dad gets such a kick out of watching her. The only athlete after my siblings and I in the family. He's holding onto to this sports fun :)

So, the eclipse is on Monday. Talk about putting Rochester on the map! LOL Lots of hype and excitement around this on Monday. I bought us glasses, but we'll see what we see...

April is moving through like a hurricane, eh? Can't believe in two weeks we will have a much needed real Spring Break vacation of 13 days. MUCH needed. We have plans  for the girls and my Mom to spend the day in CT with Sam, then we are taking Charlotte to visit Amherst College in Mass, Web set up a tour and then we can scratch this school off the must see list. And it's Barb's birthday too. Can't believe her big party was already a year ago! So the girls have a night planned out also over that break. Really looking forward to that. We haven't gone out in ages. Way too long.

The gardeners came and did a spring clean up so YAY! We still need to mulch and spruce up a bit but that big clean up is done. Thank you! Thank you!

Going to put a few pansies in pots for color in the front but nothing crazy. I just need a little spring color. We are really never home anymore with all the sports hoopla but I just want a minimal care pretty look...

This morning, the slugger is at an early school practice, then she and I have a shopping date. Should be a nice afternoon.

Bon Voyage to the Web Srs. who are off on a European Cruise.

Have a great weekend all xo Ann
