Monday Five.

 1. Meds Kicking In.

I'm still battling this sinus thing I have, but the meds are sort of kicking in. LOL I guess it has to get worse before it gets better...

2. Still on Spring Break.

We are still on Spring "Break" so to speak. I say break, because it's not really a "break" only from work. The Web Srs. just left yesterday and Charlotte has had softball the entire break. She has another game tonight and I hope they win. They need it. They won on Saturday. Charlotte walked. I know she wanted to kill that ball, so hopefully tonight it will happen for her.

3. 80's Today.

Supposed to be 83 degrees here today. I have all the windows open to air the place out. Will be nice to not freeze at her softball game for once.

4.Charlotte's Pre- Sweet 16.

I mentioned we rented a huge beach house down on the Jersey Shore at the end of August to celebrate Charlotte's (almost) Sweet 16 with 10 of her friends. Barb will also be coming to help chaperone. We drove around yesterday to deliver the girls their official invites and "swag" bags of beach goodies. Everyone is so excited. Something fun to look forward to! A week away at the beach...Cannot wait! In our old Jersey Shore neighborhood!

5.Getting Stuff Done Around Here.

Haven't had a lot of time to do stuff, so maybe if I'm feeling up to it, I'll tend to that bare flower bed out front. Web ripped out that giant shrub and it looks awesome, but now it needs to be landscaped! Jesus Take The Wheel! Always something right?

Enjoy this gorgeous summer like day!

xo Ann 
