Tuesday FIVE.

 1. Racing Around Today.

Today is one of those crazy days. My Mom and Dad are running over to Charlotte's game for me to wait it out until she's done, then race her over to the HS auditorium for the Board Meeting she has to speak at, then bring her home to finally eat dinner at 7:30 PM! LOL All while Web and I are back at school for the THIRD time this year for Parent Conferences. Kind of excessive, no? Then again on April 8th for a 4th time. SIGH.

2. The VEEP Stepped Down.

Well, Web, who as you know, is the VP of our Union at school and he told everyone he was stepping down today. It's one of his 5 jobs at school for the last 10 years. Guess it was time... One less big thing!

3. One More Day.

We have a non-Easter Break this year. A whopping 2 days off. It's awful. Not even Easter Monday off. And Charlotte has a game on Holy Thursday until noon. So, it is what it is. Mom is hosting the family for an Easter Sunday Brunch she did that so we could all get ourselves together to go back to school on Monday. She's always accommodating our schedules. She rocks!

4. Annie Time.  

What will I ever do with myself for a day and a half while Web and Charlotte go upstate? LOLLLL 

5. Parent Fundraiser.

When your daughter is the class prez, you step up (again!) I decided to run a Parent Fundraiser Spring Fling with food and booze and raffle baskets. All proceeds will go to her class. It will be held at the town firehouse on 5/31. Woo-Hoo 

Have a great holy week everyone!

xo Annie
