Spring Forward.

 Happy Daylight Savings guys. Happy End of Rock Rivalry. Happy Kick Off To School Softball.

This weekend was super busy for the girl as I mentioned she participated in the school competition among the grades. She did great! But man, she's tiiiired. She spent the night home last night, just catching up on sleep :) Today is her very last travel team mandatory practice now that her Varsity school ball starts tomorrow! I can't believe it's already here. WOW

So she was excited to find out her practice today was only an hour. Yay all around.

I'm excited to watch her play on her school team. It's SUCH a different vibe and feeling all around than her travel team. I welcome it with open arms! And I bought myself a nice, high tech portable heated blanket to wrap myself in. You can also wear it as a jacket! YES.

So next week she already has scheduled 5 games! AND the party is over... LOL

So that's that on our end. I had the chance to see Mom and Dad for a bagel yesterday and went shopping with Mom. So great they are so close now. Waited a long time for that. Next weekend she invited the gang over for a St. Pat's dinner. So that should be fun.

Nothing else happening. Just gearing up for softball.

Love you all xo Ann
