Palm Sunday Hey.

 Happy Palm Sunday everyone!

Well, we've thawed out from our hectic week of softball games in the bone chilling weather!

THAT was a true test. LOL We lived to tell about it and Charlotte had one of her best week's yet playing ball. Friday's game she hit a single, a double AND a triple! They won that game, too. She did fantastic. Her travel ball coach came to watch her too.

Tomorrow, thankfully she has off from the games. But is playing Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then she and Web are leaving the game Thursday to drive upstate for a short visit and coming home Saturday in time for Easter. I'm staying home. Not going to make it up there for this trip.

Sooooo next week is a super busy week. We have Parent/ Teacher Conferences on Tuesday night, Char has a game, then my Mom will race her back over to the HS for her presentation at the Board Meeting. I cannot wait to relax for Thurs/Fri. We need it.

On another note, we went to a beautiful black tie wedding for our colleague at a mansion last night. It was one of the top 3 weddings I've been to. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Just WOW.  I think the last time Web wore a tux was at our wedding! 18 years ago!

So it was nice to get dressed up, dance and eat delicious food. Our one outing of the year!

Off I go to get my Sunday act together and prep for a jampacked 3 days. I think I can........

Hugs xo Annie
