Friday Eve!


Cannot wait for this week to be over. But then Monday starts the dive into softball mania with the 5 games. But that's okay. We've kind of been chilling after school just doing schoolwork, then waiting to pick up Char from practice. So it will be good to get out :) As long as it's 68 degrees like today! LOL I doubt it though...

I mentioned we would see Mom and Dad on Saturday night to wish them a Happy St. Pat's :) Will be nice to get out of the house. We haven't left the house much. Can't be healthy to stay in EVERY, single weekend, right? EVERY weekend...

Getting observed tomorrow in my Spanish class tomorrow. I'm doing a cute lesson incorporating the house chores and Cinderella. Can't wait for it to be done.

Weather here has been GORGEOUS these last few days. Started off crazy windy and cold and we ended up with beautiful weather.

I've been breaking in my new treadmill and really trying to get on a committed workout schedule. Once her softball games start next week, I will have to adjust to working out as soon as I get home from school. Do what ya can do right?

Not much else happening, the little baller is sore. LOL  She's working out hard at these intense practices. Mostly playing shortstop. She loves it and it shows.

Have a great Irish filled weekend guys!

I'll check in on Sunday.

xo Ann
