Super Bowl Sunday Funday.

 Happy Sunday all!

Hope you are overindulging in all things greasy and bad for you today! LOL Gotta enjoy life a little right?

I spent all weekend UBERing Charlotte and her BFF around to gather Valentine's for Wednesday. Then woke up this morning at 5:15 AM (ugh) and started my game plan to finally clean as much as I could, then iron for the week and complete my lesson plans before we head over to Barb's to watch a little of the game with my parents :) Haven't really sat with the gang in a while. Marina's birthday a few weeks ago doesn't count because we definitely weren't sitting that's for sure. So, this will be the first time I'm really seeing everyone after the holidays and battling all the sickness that's hit all 3 families. I cannot wait for the spring to say buh-bye to this awfulness.

Poor Char has back to back softball practices today. She's at the second one for travel now. She's beat. She'll come home around 4:30, shower, then we'll head over to Barb's. She's having apps and pizza. We are bringing dessert and that's that. There are more bets on Taylor Swift, what she'll wear, songs, who she'll sit near, than the actual game! LOL

(busy kid)

So that's our Super Bowl Sunday for ya'. Hope you enjoy the game and all the hooplah!

I'll check back in tomorrow.

Love xo, Ann

