1. Out for the Count.

 Well, I got hit HARD with that awful stomach virus that's been going around. It hit me at 2 AM yesterday morning and continued to crush me until 6 PM last night, non-stop. It was AWFUL :( So, I am home from work today recovering. I hope the worst is behind me. But wow.


A huge part of the weekend from Friday and two shows Saturday was the school musical Matilda. Charlotte played the flute in the pit. They put on a really great show for a HS level. The girl was exhausted yesterday. She slept until 11:30! It was a lot but I'm so glad this chapter is over. Now, onto the next right?

3.Scary School Incident.

Friday, a student in our school brought a gun to school. Thankfully, administration was tipped off by another student and was able to find the kid who had the gun on him, but how scary that this is the world we are living in. So disturbing.

4. February Break.

Cannot come soon enough! We have 9 days left of teaching but who's counting? Me. All of us. Charlotte is super excited to go snowtubing with a group of girls to the Poconos for a Sweet 16 birthday. That will be so much fun for her. I am looking forward to finally organizing all of the leftover decorations hanging around and clearing out my closet.

5. Next Few Weeks.

Let's see, we have the Super Bowl coming up, but this year I'm like, eh over the teams. The half-time is also, meh. Now, if Taylor Swift jumped in there, now we're talkin... LOL  Charlotte's softball schedule will be picking up with all of these practices, etc. and then school ball officially starts in the beginning of March. Those games are my favorite anyway. Different vibe completely. Charlotte and I were just talking about how much more we enjoy it over travel ball for obvious reasons. LOL

That's all for now guys. Hope the week is off to a good start. Better than mine anyway :( Ugh.

Love, Ann xo
