I'm Alive (sort of)

 Happy Day After New Year's.

Man, this sickness is still wreaking havoc on my poor self. I've been OUT FOR THE COUNT since last Wednesday. O-U-T   Flu, sinus infection, horrible body aches/pains. You name it. I'm a mess. I did (with Web's help) manage to put all the Christmas away to make for a fresh new slate a la 2024.

(living room put back together)

I dragged myself into a shower, tried to make myself as presentable as possible and went back to work  today. I was counting the minutes go by as I finished another class, pushed through another one, etc. I made it through, but all I could imagine was crawling into my bed under the covers.

My dad finally turned a corner with his sickness yesterday, Spiro is doing better also, but I can't shake this. It wouldn't be so bad if my body wasn't killing me. So I keep praying hard tomorrow will be a much better day. Praying hard.

Really nothing "fun" to report because I've been locked in my room away from the other two members of the fam who need to stay healthy. Trying to not get too close to Charlotte. Web has been sleeping in the gust room. So I'm really trying to spare them. Everyone is sick at work, so that is causing me to have major anxiety about getting sick again. Sigh. And this is with the flu shot I had. Can't imagine what I'd be like if I didn't have it.


So, I'm typing to you from my warm bed. I just put the heating pad on and made a hot cup of tea. I hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve. I was snoring by 9 PM. LOL

I think Web said his parents made it down to FLA. Enjoy that sunshine guys! They are saying we may actually have some snow this weekend. Imagine? Snow in the winter? LOL  It's been so long.

Sending you all 2024 Healthy, Happy vibes.

Love, Annie 

