TGIFFFFFFFF (NOV 3, 2023 7:50 PM)

 Happy Friday guys. Happy Weekend!

We survived. It was a looooong week as I mentioned earlier. Tomorrow the coach has his State Qualifiers and Charlotte and I have NOTHING! For the first time in months, I didn't have to set an early Saturday alarm for softball or volleyball. Let's have a moment of silence. Today, it hit me. My eyes were so heavy and blurry. I couldn't shake it all day. The worst feeling. I was so glad to come home and throw on my cozy sweats.

Charlotte came home right after school today with zero commitments and it was amazing. She had a batting lesson last night, then a late softball practice until 10 PM. So she welcomed this quiet afternoon. She's enjoying a night out with friends at her school's playoff football game. Nice, cool night for it. She has a college softball camp all day on Sunday...

I'm already in bed. LOL  She and I will venture out tomorrow on our "day off"  and stop by to see Mom and Dad. Mom is still recovering from her eye procedure and is set to have the other one done next Tuesday. Hope the blurriness goes away soon.

That's all I have for family news. Can't believe Chris Logios' oldest kiddo just turned 26 yesterday! How the heck did that happen? WOW.

We will see them for Thanksgiving here at our house. Can't wait to catch up.

Love to all on this beautiful fall weekend. I forced myself to break down/take down all of the Halloween decorations the other day. So glad I did it. Moved around and cut back some mums too. Now I just need the coach to blow some leaves and all is good until we decorate for Christmas right after Turkey Day. OY!

(until next year Mr. Bones)


