Monday Weekend In Review.

 Hey everyone. Well, we are just thawing out from a whopping NINE hour last tournament in 33 degrees! Yup. Nine, freaking, cold hours. The only plus, and I mean only, was that it was ten minutes from the house as opposed to the usual over an hour.

We froze and still couldn't thaw out to go to sleep. But Charlotte had a great tournament. She hit a triple, a few nice singles, a double and a beautiful bunt. Super proud of her. Guess starting up those batting lessons once vball ended was the BEST idea. She got her mojo back and her confidence. That batting coach is reaaaalllllly good for her. We love him. Char says he reminds her of Uncle Chris Logios. That's probably why she jives with him, right?

Mom and Dad came by to brave one game in the freezing temps. Mom is still recovering from back to back eye surgery. So it was nice they came out.

While Web was away upstate at States all weekend (his team placed 6th in the State!) I worked on all of my schoolwork, report cards and finished all of my Momma Claus shopping for our girl. Lots accomplished. Now, we need to kick it into Thanksgiving gear.

We also decided to fly up for Web's cousin's wedding the week before Christmas, so at least that decision is made and tickets bought. So, we have a jam packed December. From Charlotte's birthday to actual Christmas we have a big, important function every weekend. OH What FUN! At least they are fun events. So I've been gathering outfits and pre-Christmas shopping and birthday shopping my fingers off!

Just glad this softball is off the table for a little while. WE have been dragggggggging here.

Today, was the first afternoon of no sports for the kid. It was nice to have her home at 3:30. She is doing the pit for the school musical again but those practices really pick up in January. So we can finally breathe!

Hope you guys are enjoying this crisp fall day! T minus 6 teaching days until Thanksgiving Recess! Bring it!


