Monday Heeey. (11.6.23 2:30 PM)

 Happy Monday guys.

Let's see, first off, congrats to Coach Web, his girl's x-country team made it to the state championship this weekend. He leaves, of course, on our day off from school on Friday and will be gone upstate until late Saturday night. Happy for his accomplishment.

Okay, next up, Mom is still recovering from her first eye procedure last week, now tomorrow she has the second eye. She just can't wait for it all to be over after tomorrow and take the next 2 weeks to heal before Thanksgiving. Hurry up Mom, I need your guidance with this 30 lb. turkey! LOL

Speaking of, now that Halloween is long gone, I am sort of, not really in Thanksgiving mode. Still lots going on in the school world, that it's hard to focus on that right now. Tomorrow we have a long Superintendent's Conf Day, then a late Wednesday night for those ridiculous parent/teacher conferences and then Charlotte and I are on our own. She has her VERY last softball tournament on Sunday and man, am I excited?! Yippeeee. Then, maybe we can recharge over the holidays because this family needs it FOR SURE.

(beautiful fall sunrises)

Fall temps, shorter days and exhaustion, what a combo! The weather is certainly "fall-like" which is nice. I am driving Char and her friend Meg out to a SUNY college where the Varsity vball team is playing in the county championship and their coach encouraged them to attend to cheer them on. Does it ever end? LOL So I'll be throwing on my UBER cap in about an hour and heading out with them. Charlotte had that college softball camp all day yesterday and while it was long and exhausting she is getting the experience of how to speak to coaches and networking. All good.

I have a big ol' pile of Quarterly Exams to grade so I definitely need to come home and bang those out.

That's all on the family end.

Sending you all a big hug.



