Fake Friday!

 Happy Friday Eve guys or to us teachers, Fake Friday because of the 3 day weekend.

Man, we had another late night back at school last night. Walked in the door after 9 PM and for teachers, that's like midnight! We are wiped- OUT.

On a brighter note, I mentioned Coach Webster made it to States again this year, his girl's team won the County Championship a few weeks ago. He leaves early tomorrow morning on a bus to head upstate by Syracuse, the race is Saturday. Then a 6 hour ride home and he should be home around 11 Saturday night? Then Charlotte has her last weekend softball tournament on Sunday. Yippeeeeeee.

Our school had a clap out for him and his team today. The cheerleaders and all of the students/staff lined the hallways to cheer on his team. Was a nice recognition for him for a sport that usually doesn't get as much hoopla as the others. So go him and good luck.

Char and I will be on our own for the next few days. Thank goodness we get paid tomorrow because Momma Claus needs to finish up. Such a big thing trying to split up gifts between birthday, then Christmas 3 weeks later...But I have 14 years of practice. She wants to have her friends over on Dec 2nd to decorate gingerbread cookies, have dinner and watch a Christmas movie, so yeah, right after hosting Thanksgiving, I'll have that on my plate. Oy!

Then we have a really big, fancy Sweet 16 party the following weekend and Web and I have to decide if we are going upstate for his cousin's wedding the week before Christmas. That's all still up in the air. One day at a time here...  

So lots happening here. I guess once he gets back from all this x-country stuff maybe we can finally get a lot of stuff done around here, like prepping for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Just glad I don't have to set a 5 AM alarm for tomorrow. The little, big things!

Wishing you all a Happy Veteran's Day Weekend.



(nice celebration for his team)
