Thursday Check In.

 Happy Friday Eve guys!

Been super busy and The Web Srs. have just arrived. Just wanted to check in really quick to say hey.

Waiting for Charlotte to get home from vball practice and eat dinner quick then off to a very late softball practice from 7-10 PM. UGH, right?

Yesterday I hosted that little baby sprinkle shower for my work bestie and everything came out so cute. She was thrilled and everyone had so much fun. Lots of cute presents and great treats.

(from the BOO shower)

So tonight, we're busy and tired. Tomorrow, a late vball game about a half hour away. Doesn't start until 7 PM. I'm tired just thinking about it.

So not much to report on our end, can't wait for this long week to be over. I'm dragging, big time.

Love to all. Have a great end to the week.


