Happy Sunday Evening guys! By the time you read this it will be Monday :)

It's been a few days because it's been a whirlwind of events here. Non-stop insanity.

Let's see Coach Web's Girl's Cross Country team won the county champs again. Congrats to him. Charlotte and I headed to the looooong 10 hour tournament Saturday. It was unseasonably hot. Like 85 degrees hot. Web was able to make it to the last of the games after his team was finished. We didn't get home last night until 7 PM after being on the field since 10 AM yesterday. IT was A LOT.

Then we woke up this morning at 6:30 AM, got on the road by 7:45 AM and started playing by 9 AM. Well, her team swept all the games in today's tournament in the freezing, cold rain and we just crawled in the door at 7:15 PM. Holy Tired Batman. So, they won their first tournament, good for them, but Char and I were secretly praying they would have lost the first game so we could be home by 11:30 this morning! LOL  No such luck. You really do feel like you're on Survivor. I can't even explain it properly, you just have to experience it for yourself. Sigh.

(the champs)

So we just got home, heated up some pizza, raced to take a hot shower and are trying and finish our schoolwork. Thank the LORD, no tournament next week. That's a big deal.

Tomorrow night, Web and I have to go back to school from 7-9 PM for parent/teacher conferences. Dear Lord.

Tuesday, Halloween, my department in school is dressing like pirates, I'll be sure to get a pic for you. Tuesday night, since Charlotte is wiped out tired, she asked if we could have Barb and Marina over for a quiet Halloween dinner. We haven't seen them in at least 5 weeks, since my birthday. Way too long and overdue.

So that's what's what on our end. Three very tired Webs. I hope you guys are all good and have a great Halloween week. I have a pic of Char and her friends from a party they went to this weekend. I'll share it this week.


