Monday Mashup.

 Happy Monday guys. Lots of different things all going on at the same time. Why should this week be any different? HA.

Yesterday, the very tired girl woke up for an early Sunday 6:30 AM , 4 mile Breast Cancer Charity Walk for a school club she belongs to. That's dedication. Bless up teenage girl. So she came home yesterday at around 10;30 AM and collapsed. She's still battling a hacking cough so she needed the rest. She zonked out for about 3 hours.

(Breast Cancer Walk at the beach)

Today, she has volleyball practice and no game. She usually has games on Monday night, so we welcome this quiet time to rest. Ha, rest? And I'm running around trying to gather all the things for my work BFF's little baby sprinkle. I'm doing a Halloween- Peek A BOO theme. Cute, right? It's her second baby, but there's a four year gap between this baby and her toddler, so we thought it would be nice to send her off with some cute, gender neutral gifts. She doesn't know what she's having. Anyway, I ran to the Dollar Store and Party City after work to grab some things and tomorrow we will surprise her. We are all bringing in food, so it should be a nice, little baby send off. She's due at the end of November in around 5-6 weeks, so she could go any time.

Got my flu shot, so that's done and I just keep quietly chipping away at all the things. Like I said the other day, we cannot wait for this volleyball season to be finished. It's been a really long 8 weeks here at Casa Web.

(So proud of all the good she does...)

That's all for now, plugging along. Hope you are all great.


