Under Water...

 Holy State of Emergency, flooding Batman!

Well, our Albany trip is on hold for now. We can't drive anywhere. They just closed the Belt Parkway and several other roads for extreme flooding. We are expected to get more rain tonight. They are telling people to stay home yet, the softball idiots think we should all get in our cars and travel in this mess up to Albany for a game? Stop. It's actually so dumb and laughable and ridiculous. 10 inches of rainfall in 24 hours! Historic event, wow.


So anyway, this is where we are. I'm hunkering down with Charlotte watching the rain fall. Didn't even pack a bag yet...So I guess we'll see what's what in the morning.

On another note, Char did great at her volleyball game last night. So proud of her.

I'll keep you posted, but for now, stay dry.

Happy Fall Weekend.


