Monday Five.

 1.Charlotte. Well, our sickie slowly eased back into school Thursday and Friday as you know. The doctor said her liver/spleen are both inflamed and she wouldn't clear her to play any sports until that subsides. I take her back this Friday to get checked out. I'm praying so hard the inflammation is going down. She suggested for me to buy this Super B Complex vitamin for her. She hasn't been to any sports, but today she will take the bus with her vball team to their away game in a nearby town, just to feel a part of the team. She'll just watch, but it's something. I'll let you know what the doctor says on Friday. Fingers crossed...

2. Week 3.  We are already into the third week of school already. It's flying. I'm good with that. This horrible start to school for us with Charlotte being so sick has really put a damper on the beginning of the year for us. We are now in week 4 of her being sick. It's A LOT. And I said to Mom today, "Is it Christmas yet?" LOL  I'm ready to close this chapter BIG TIME.

3. Change of Plans. Well, with Char being down for the count, we didn't have to travel to the away tournament last weekend and this upcoming weekend too. As sucky as it is, man, has it put sooo much into perspective and what's important, what's not, running ourselves ragged, etc. Looking forward to another weekend of rest. And it's a three day weekend from school. Yesssss!

4.  Fall Is Kinda In The Air. I had all the windows open yesterday for Sunday football. I added some slight touches of fall around the house and cleared out the front room so we could sit and enjoy the breeze and fall air. Charlotte and I aired all the sickness out and we got sucked into all things football while we worked on our schoolwork. Uncle Buddy she loves that young guy from Cincinnati- Joe Burrow (I think that's his name lol) 

5. Family News. Saw Mom for her birthday for 2 hours on Saturday morning. We went shopping to a few stores, nothing crazy but it was nice to just spend a few hours out of this house, She's 73 years young and looks great! My Dad took that nerve test on Friday to find out where his numbness has been coming from in one of his legs, they pinpointed it's coming from a disc in his back so now they can treat it, so that's good. Isabel is in her third week teaching in the Bronx, I heard from her the other day and she said I almost died, a kid took his vape out and just started vaping in front of me! LOL Ohhh, Miss Logios just wait... It just gets better and better. Ha! Eva will be graduating college this year and is so excited. Chris Logios loves his new house tucked away in quiet CT. All is good with Barb, they are also working on the landscaping at their new house. They will be there a year this Christmas.

That's all I have guys. Hope you are well. Cheers to an easy week.


Ann xo 
