Long Weekend Recap.

 Rain, rain and more rain.

It's been raining non-stop since Friday night. No joke. We spent the entire 3 day holiday weekend watching the rainfall from the couch.

After Charlotte got her exciting health news from the doctor on Friday, she was able to play a vball scrimmage on Saturday. She played 2 of the 3 games and said it felt good to get out there. If she were going to ease back into this, a scrimmage was the perfect fit. She plays in her first real game tomorrow. Fingers crossed she does okay and most importantly, feels okay. She also went to her first indoor batting practice in 4 weeks since mono. Well, that didn't go as well as she would have liked, but again, she hasn't swung a bat in 4 weeks, so I encouraged her to give herself some grace and healing time, but athletes are so hard on themselves. It's in their DNA. Nothing I can really do about that.

Now that she got clearance from the doctor, we will be heading away to Albany this Friday night through Sunday for a softball tournament. I had planned on decorating the entire outside for fall/Halloween next weekend, but now that's not going to happen. Sadly, I planned on doing it this weekend, but the pouring rain made that also not happen, and during the week here alone, well that's not going to happen. So that's a big bummer. And we are booked with sports (which I found out yesterday) every weekend until November?! Really?! 

So I have no idea how or when the outside clean up of the house will take place. My magic wand is out of magic juice. LOL 

So that's that. We are back in full sports swing here this week. Two vball games and a softball tournament. Wish us luck! 

Have a great start to the week guys.

xo, Annie
