Labor Day & Back To School

 Happy Labor Day guys!

Ahhh, cue the end of summer sadness. Truthfully, I feel like we didn't even have a "summer vacay" so to speak. But, it's all things Charlotte for the next few summers and falls and winters and springs (LOL) ... Two sports at once is a killer all year round, but she loves it, what can I say?

So, how is she feeling? One thousand times better, with a slight lingering cough, but we'll take it. Thank goodness, she's turned a big corner and I feel like we are on the fast recovery track now. It definitely kicked her little butt and knocked her down hard. But, I'm hopeful. We all go back to school tomorrow. SIGH. She will also show up for volleyball for the first time after school. So it will be a long day getting back for her. She spent all day yesterday and today completing the summer assignments for her advanced classes. They aren't due until the end of September, but she took one look at the packed calendar and decided it was best to do it now, because there's simply zero time once school starts tomorrow. This weekend coming up is the only weekend in a 6 week span that she doesn't have a tournament. Starting the 16th, every, single weekend we are booked with tournaments. Away and even the not far away ones are at least an hour away out east on long island. So basically, they are all away because they ain't around the corner! I think I was duped when "someone" told me the fall is quiet/easy regarding travel ball. Um.

She got all of her new uniforms for the new showcase team yesterday. And when I say "all" I mean FOUR new uniforms. Yup. FOUR. LOL But she's excited. So that's good. They had her playing 2nd base yesterday. And she said, "I'm rusty lol" From just 3 weeks off. I was laughing. The head coach also told her even though she's going to be a sophomore this year she needs to start thinking about what she wants to study in college and pair it with softball schools. Major first-then softball. She told us she's interested in Science/Math. So we'll see. Then it comes down to D1, D2, D3 schools. I'm not going to "demand" she stay 3 hours driving from the house. If it's a great school, she loves it and the opportunity is there, and the school happens to be in North/South Carolina, well, we'll deal with it. You get on a plane, you schedule when you go see games. Every game she would play wouldn't necessarily be at her college anyways. So, I'm not holding her back. I'll deal and make it work. Just not the West Coast. 

She has a volleyball scrimmage this week and her first game coming up after that on Friday, but she won't play in either of those because she doesn't have enough practices in from being sick. She will hopefully, play the second game.

In between all of that the coach has meets/coaching and I'm on Mom Uber duty to and from vball/softball practices.

(smiling through the pain of starting school tomorrow)

So, wish us Webs well on the first day of school tomorrow. Please send good vibes. Much appreciated :)

Love you all, xo Ann
