Girl Down (Again :()

 Happy Sunday everyone.

Welp, our little warrior had her first week back at school after being really sick and was back in full force with alternating volleyball and softball (LATE) practices, then came home Thursday night in tears, not feeling well, etc. Friday, it was a full blown sickness, I think even worse than the original sickness, with fever, couldn't even swallow, swollen glands, body aches, sweating, no appetite. You name it. This girl was a mess (and has been) going on 3 weeks tomorrow. Our pediatrician had us go over to the pediatric ER at the hospital where she was born. They took us right away, hooked her up to an IV, drew blood, and swabbed for everything and in an hour we found out she had mono. 

She was tested for it a week ago, but those number weren't high enough to diagnose mono. Now they are. Poor kid just wants to feel better and get back to her life. So that's our priority right now. No sports until at least 2 weeks, until her pediatrician clears her. They worry about contact sports/spleen with mono. So our poor Charlotte will be home from school until she's symptom/fever free.  

My parents are coming by tomorrow to sit downstairs while she rests, bring her a cold milkshake, Tylenol and just be a presence here while I'm at work. I get home around 12;30 so then I'll be here.

So, As The Webs Turn here. LOL Always keep it interesting for you, right?

Send our girl healing vibes please.

Love you all,


