What's Up With The Webs...

 Happy Hump Day guys!

We are finally all unpacked after vacay, laundry done, getting stuff done around the house mode is ON. Between travel ball completely taking over our lives this summer (and for the next 3 years! LOL) We barely had time to catch our breath, let alone do anything around the house. I knew once we came home from vacation, all we had was 4 days to do anything. We are leaving for upstate on Friday, then all bets are off starting Monday. I mentioned Coach Web officially starts his job and so does Lil' Miss Athlete Charlotte. So I needed to tackle one big house project in 4 days, right? The first summer in 10 years we didn't paint a room, because, dare I say, we finally finished all the painting? Until next summer, where it starts all over again, right? Haha

So....... This giant cathedral weird wall in our kitchen extension has always been an after thought and HUGE pain in my butt. For a few reasons, one being, it's such a large wall, maybe 11 ft? I never knew how to fill it. So Web put up really long picture ledges, we had a TV on there we barely watched and it had randomly placed pictures. Served no purpose or function and it was always the first thing I saw coming in the back door, every.single.day. Soooooo... I thought, let me search narrow extra high bookshelves that I could use for all of my serving pieces and entertaining glassware etc. that I have jammed down the basement. If I measure it out right, hopefully it wouldn't impede on that little dining space and it will actually be functional. But I was nervous. I was searching for extra high shelving units everywhere-they don't exist and the only place that had them high enough was IKEA. Now, we all know, the God awful part of IKEA is assembling this stuff on your own. It's laborious and tedious and just plain horrible. I would need 3 units to fill that big a space. Which also became quite pricey. So I was worried, what if I didn't love it? After all that money and work...But sometimes you just have to take the leap. Web insisted on going to IKEA alone, so I texted him the order and information, etc. Easy breezy right? Nope. He got the correct units, but when he brought them home, they were too short. IKEA didn't tell you that you needed an "extension unit" for each piece in order to reach the 93 inches! So, turn around and go back. And it's about a 1/2 hour away. Nobody's mistake, just stupid IKEA.

Fortunately, they had 3 extension units in stock to add to the height of the existing units and all was good :) Then, the putting everything together. It took a few hours. We wrapped things up at 9:45 PM last night. He attached the extension units this morning and it looks awesome! For the first time in 20 years there was minimal cursing and slamming and F bombs! It was a Christmas miracle in August!

On the other shorter wall, where I used to have a big clock, I decided to also make it functional and buy a fancy large acrylic calendar to keep us organized and hang a vintage wallpaper to sort of look like the calendar is a piece of artwork. We are installing the calendar tomorrow. Exciting stuff here folks! LOL

(love that toolbox on the bottom shelf was my Gramp's- John Cox) 

So that's what the Webs have been up to. Miss Charlotte has been running her mile timed training run every day. God Bless Her. What discipline. She is out with her friends tonight watching the sunset by the beach. Ahh, to be 14 again. I'm just glad she's soaking in what's left of this summer before life gets INSANE again.

Sending you all lots of love. We are stopping in CT on the way home from upstate to see Chris Logios and his fam and Barb and my parents will meet us there. I'm happy to see them. It's also Spiro's birthday weekend :)

Okay guys, big kiss xo Ann
