Update On Charlotte.

 Wow, it's been quite the few days. Regarding Charlotte- She wasn't getting any better after I had mentioned she was already to the doctor twice, since getting sick last Thursday. So Monday, she woke up now with a fever, sweating, her nailbeds were blue! Yes, very alarming, her ear hurt and she had a slight cough. No signs of improvement, just getting worse. Must be that crazy moon thing happening...

Called her real pediatrician, who said to bring her in. Well, after giving her the history of what she had symptom-wise since last Thursday, she started to throw out some things she thought it may be, based on where we had just come back from vacation and symptoms, until she saw the blue nails and everything went out the window and before I knew it she had us at the local hospital at a pediatric cardiologist. From the blue in the nails she thought if she did have a virus it may be affecting the heart/circulation. It all happened so fast, we really didn't have time to wrap our heads around it until I was sitting with her in a hospital hooked up to EKG machines at 14 years old. Scary for her as well. I was so nervous. The cardiologist looked at the EKG, examined her, ruled out a bunch of things, but unfortunately, never took the in depth picture of the heart, which her pediatrician really wanted to see. So later on, speaking to the pediatrician, she wasn't happy that they didn't do that one test. The pediatrician had a bunch of bloodwork taken, looking for several things it could be. That was yesterday, so we are waiting on those results.

I've been home with her watching her closely. The doctor told me to specifically watch her fingernails again. She had fever all day again today and a cough. I will stay home from school tomorrow, I can't leave her alone and my mom can't be with her because we don't know exactly what she has yet. So yes, I'm taking one for the team tomorrow and staying back from school (but it's not the first day for students) just dumb meetings for us. We are taking it day by day here and just waiting on those blood results. So please send her big healing vibes. She needs it. Never been this sick and we need to get her over this hump.

My parents just dropped her off a smoothie and Barb left an ice for her on the steps yesterday. She is so down about missing everything, but the only thing we care about right now is her getting better. The volleyball coach spoke to Web yesterday and reassured us, she made the team, not to worry about anything, just getting better. So that's one less thing she needs to think about.

Is there ever a dull moment? Ugh guys. Send us some healing thoughts, please.

Love to all xo, Ann 
