Happy Weekend.

 The weather has definitely taken a much needed turn for the better and it has been GORGEOUS! We had the opportunity this week to actually get some stuff done outside and not be overheated and dead. I wanted to get some patio pavers to sort of clean up that side shaded area on the side of the back porch. We really don't have any place to sit outside other than the grass or in a fish bowl for all the neighbors to see on the other side of the house, so I wanted a little place to sit with tea and not be in the grass or on display. Web lugged those really heavy paver stones from Home Depot for me. It took two trips. It's not completely level and of course, that would be a HUGE job and I'm not into huge jobs right now. But it looks great and neat and clean and does the job. Barb came by last night and the first thing she commented on was how great it looked. I sat out there this morning with my tea and it was real nice.

Yesterday, I cleaned out all of my dresser drawers. Felt so great to keep the bare minimum. I feel like I shed 10 lbs. Today, maybe I will work my way down to the basement hangout for Charlotte. Gotta take advantage of this cool weather to tackle these projects.

She's had tryouts for softball all week. Tonight is the last tryout, so please send her good vibes and prayers. I think she finds out this weekend. Then all next week, volleyball, then vacay!

So I will try and organize and pack up as much as I can next week, so I'm not rushing around last minute before the trip.

So lots going on in these next 10 days, but all good. Barb and I had the chance to hang out with Mom by her pool the other day, then last night went out for a Sister's Dinner. Was real nice to get out of this house and see Barb for a bit.

Today, low-key house organization and tryouts. Nothing crazy. I love sleeping until 7 and not getting up at 5 AM! I will miss that the most.

Hope you are all great.

Love, xo Ann
