Sunday- We're Baaack From The Crazy Softball 3 Days Away

Happy July 16th everyone! Well, happy for us because we are finally home from our 3 day tournament away, we survived and lived to tell about it. By the time I clean up the entire house, do the pre-travel laundry, pack up the girl and the uniforms and all the things, snacks, doodads, what ifs, toiletries, you name it, put all the plants where they will get watered by the sprinklers, make dinner arrangements, I mean, you might as well hook up your house on a jack and lug it with you. It's A LOT. It's a huge commitment and while it may seem "fun" you get away, hotels, yeah part of it is fun, but it's very long, hot, back to back games in high humidity and heat and it's a lot of spectator sitting and not moving. It sucks. You eat crappy food and you go to bed really late. It's not as glamorous as it seems. LOL But what we do for our children right?

We, (I'm speaking for Char and I), could not wait to get home, shower in our own shower, collapse on our clean bed and be surrounded by the awesome comforts of our home. So next weekend, another tournament, but out on Long Island. Thank goodness. Holy Bleep! LOL

The softball girls are on a 14 y team but played up to a 16 y group of teams. They played great. They beat the first team of 16 year olds like champs. They lost the next 2 games but it was close. So yayyy them. Charlotte played allover. Shortstop, second base, third for a bit, you name it. Her batting wasn't as amazing as it usually is. But that's okay she made up for it in the field with some really beautiful plays. Always so proud of her. She's made some friends on the team too, which is nice.

We invited another family out to dinner with us to Spiro's brother Bob's restaurant. It was close to our hotel. So that was a fun, different thing to do. They are a real nice, low-key, not high maintenance family. Which I embrace! LOL Their daughter is the star catcher on the team. Super nice girl.

So we didn't play on Saturday until 5 PM. Yup. Then the games were all back to back until almost 11 PM. We were exhausted. Then an early 7 am wake up call for 8:30 AM field time this morning. It rained the entire time, so that was a joy and it was at that point that I was like, okay, I'm ready to go home.

It poured the entire ride home. But it was so great to pull up to our Home Sweet Home. Man, there really is no place like it. No matter what, right?

So yes, we survived another three day away tournament. We learn more and more about the dynamics, ins and outs and about each other with every tournament. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Anyway, hope you guys had a great weekend. How about the catch of The Gilgo Beach Killer out here? 12 years in the making. So glad they caught that monster.

Happy Sunday.

xo Annie


  1. Nice Post Annie. Between the pix and the narrative you capture the weekend well. Thank you.
    You didn't mention that this morning was the fastest hotel checkout any of us have ever experienced before, nor will ever again :) Good weekend with my girls.

  2. Yes we would be good in a "grab everything and go" situation! Nice time with Char


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