Well, we have come to the surface of our softball tournament weekend wave. We really do go off the grid during those two day grueling tournaments. This one was our first tournament where we experienced the brutally hot muggy oppressive weather (along with the entire US)  I was just watching the news where they said there's never been a more hot, horrible weather start to a summer ever! The only comfort is inside in the A/C.

Anyway, back to the tournament, the girls played SIX games in two days! Yup. Six. While we sat there in the hot, beating sun with no protection. So, needless to say, after this weekend, we went out and bought a 7x7 pop up canopy. You have to have one at these things or you'll never survive. Everyone has one and even then, it protects you from the sun, but the air quality is so horrible, a tent only helps so much. Definitely don't see a lot of elders at these things. I realized that yesterday. Tough to combat for a 14 year old, let alone an 80 year old! LOL

So, now we are prepared for another tournament next weekend. It's away in northern NY, but actually closer to NJ. So we are staying at a hotel in NJ, then driving a half hour to the games. They played like champs yesterday. They ended up seated 3rd out of 16 at the end of the tournament. Charlotte played shortstop for all 6 games. She rocked it. Had some really nice fielding plays and up at bats. Then, after we were out on the field for 9 hours on Saturday, we raced home to get her to a graduation party. She showered, threw on a dress, looked like a million bucks and made an appearance at the party. She was literally limping from the blisters on her poor feet.

(she cleans up well :))

Three girls quit the team this weekend because the coach, well, let's just say he could probably use some coaching himself. He speaks down to a lot of the girls, condescending, etc. and some parents had enough of his nonsense. Yeah, he yells out their mistakes in front of everyone and good that he corrects them and doesn't baby them BUT, there's a way to positively coach kids, pull them aside and do it in a civilized manner right? Hence, a bunch of kids quitting. So, more playing time for Charlotte! LOL But man oh man, this guy makes Varsity school ball look like a walk in the park. 

Today, Charlotte has half a day of work down at the beach, then practice tonight and we have a wake to attend, Unfortunately, a teacher colleague of ours accidentally passed away over the weekend. He has two young daughters. It's terrible.

Web is headed upstate tomorrow early to see his parents and be there for his GB operation on Wednesday, then he will head back home Thursday to make it for Charlotte's 3 day softball tournament. We check into the hotel on Friday afternoon.

So yes, LOTS happening. But all good as she keeps enjoying it. Then, we're on board! Hope this summer heat isn't too brutal on you!

Congrats to Uncle Joe who finally (LOL) retired. 

Love to all

xo Ann


  1. If I may. . . one thing you forgot. . . when we got home Sunday afternoon. . . after a weekend of 6 games AND her going to that graduation party. . . Sunday at 6pm. . . "Hey dad, can you drive me over to Sofia's for a little while?"


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