Post-Fourth of July Heeey.

 Happy Fifth of July everyone!

We had the most chill, low-key Fourth of July EVER! Like I mentioned the other day, the weather here for the last 4 days well, was not the best kick off to summer weather. There were intermittent thunderstorms every day. So it was super hard to plan anything without fear of dodging the rain. Then it would stop but feel like 90 degrees and so humid and muggy you had to be indoors in the AC. So there was no relief. 

Yesterday, the Fourth, Mom just had Barb's family and ours over for an apartment BBQ. It poured rain all day, then Web and Spiro ran downstairs in their complex to use the BBQ by the pool and grill up some burgers to bring back up to the apartment because it started raining again. It was real nice to get out of the house, if only for a little bit, see the family then bring Charlotte to her little teen pool party. It stopped raining just in time for that. And she was so excited I let her swim because the pool was NOT chlorine and it was salt water. Her hair is so blonde that it turned green about a month ago when she went swimming in a chlorine pool. Lots of fresh lemon rinses and clarifying shampoo later. Yes, we don't go swimming in chlorine pools anymore! Lesson learned for the real blondie. LOL

So today, Charlotte worked half a day at the beach. It was 92 degrees here but not muggy which made a world of difference. It was such a beautiful beach day. Web and I dropped her at work , then spent about 2 1/2 hours soaking up the sun and watching the ocean crash. Ahhh, watching the ocean is just so calming. One of the Long Island perks.

Charlotte's last day of work for this week is a full day tomorrow. Then, it's a full softball weekend. We've had a week break from it. Now, we need to get back in the "swing."

Will check in before we go into 48 hours of Softball Survivor! Hope you are all enjoying the start to summer.


xo Ann
