Happy Hump. Are We On Vacation Yet?

 Ha! Going going going here.

The only difference from our schoolyear craziness, is that school is off the table! LOL  Charlotte's hectic life is definitely keeping her parents SUPER busy. Even on summer break. One day we'll look back and miss this. But when you're in the thick of it you're gasping for air!

Yesterday, Web drove upstate at like 3:30 AM. Spent the day with his Dad before his (hopefully) last surgery this morning. Sending him all the good vibes! So, Charlotte and I have been on our own with endless commitments and softball practices. Back and forth, right? We had the dentist for her in between everything and we managed to squeeze in a run to the store to pick up some things we needed. Then off to Franklin Square which is like driving through Queens, to get her to a two hour practice. OY. We didn't walk in the door until almost 9 last night, then ate late and passed out. We were spent.

Today, if her work/sports/social schedule isn't enough, the girl is volunteering this morning at her school from 8-11:15. She can earn community service hours when she can toward Honor Society. Rather than kill herself to do it during the schoolyear -smart on her part. So that's where we are headed this morning, then off to see my parents who really haven't seen us in a while. Tomorrow, she has another softball practice always right at dinner time, then Friday we leave for NJ for the 3 day tournament. Well, two day, one day is to travel. Are ya tired reading all that? LOL

So, yeah, we are cruising along here. Weather is still not the best here. But as I see on the news, it's horrible everywhere :( Hope you are having as best a summer as you can.

Will check in soon before we leave on Friday and you know I'll have a big tournament recap. I just have to figure out how to upload my videos here! But if not, you need to follow me on Instagram. I post all of her softball highlights there :)

Sending love to all of you xo Ann
