Weekend Heeey.

 Happy Belmont Stakes Day! 

This was our first Saturday with ZERO ZERO commitment. Can you believe it? Me either. To actually wake up this morning. Sit quietly and not be showering and running out the door for an all day full of softball was a miracle. Tomorrow, the girl has a game (scrimmage) smack in the middle of the day. But at least today, we could breathe. No horrible smoke filled air either. This week was awful for that. So bad here, they closed the schools. Terrible. I was finally able to do some work outside today, open the windows wide open and inhale some clean air!

Last night I had our end of the year school party. I went solo. The husband isn't much into parties. Anyway, as you know I had a colleague of mine who is retiring. So this was the last hoorah for him. A few of us showed up to share another toast and wish him well.

(party work peeps)

Today, was spent cleaning the heck out of this place before the last week of school approaches. We have Charlotte's softball awards Monday night, then Tuesday night she's being recognized for that All Conference honor she earned at Farmingdale College. Then, we just have to get through the rest of the week of testing and we leave for CT for the weekend. ZOOM! Going at full speed, but after Tuesday, I'm hoping things will sort of slow down. We have off next Monday for Juneteenth so that takes the sting out of being away all next weekend.

So that's what's up with the Webs. We got an email from Web's Mom, David Web had one of the two drains removed yesterday. So now he just has the one drain in and that surgery on July 12th. I guess Web will go up for that surgery also.

Trying to plan our summer around Charlotte's busy schedule. She's at that age where she's super busy and we have to adjust our lives around it. She applied yesterday for a job at the beach as well. The camp she had hopes of being a head counselor at, well, the guy in charge gave all the head counseling jobs to returning college kids, which meant Char could be a counselor in training again, but wouldn't get paid and just work off tips. Umm, no. So while she was a bit disappointed then this new beach job came up out of nowhere and it may be just what she needed :) We'll see. She would sit on the beach and check beach passes all day. And make a salary. Okaaay, be on a beach, get a tan and earn some bucks? Yessss. LOL

(Belmont Stakes and The Beach Beauty)

She also has a volleyball camp in August, then tryouts. And travel ball all summer. So we're trying to plan it all, it's just a bit difficult. Lots of ups in the air! Sometimes ya' gotta let go and go with the flow!

Okay guys. Happy Weekend. Enjoy the Belmont Stakes. 

Love to all,


