Good Morning everyone!

Can you hear the enthusiasm in my voice coming at you? HA!

(from the game Sunday)

Man, we are super excited to get this summer break started. Yesterday, Charlotte started her beach job. We dropped her off to meet up with the supervisor yesterday down at the beach. She checked in and had a post at this cute beach hut where she checked in people who were entering the beach. Either they had to pay (electronically only) or she checked their season beach pass. Then after an hour there, she moved onto the next post to relieve whoever was there and so on. So she was at 3 different posts for around 4 hours! Good for her. And she's got a nice tan going. LOL  She calls in the night before to see what her schedule is. So far so good, with the occasional  beach "weirdos" -But all is good on that end. And she got her report card today and scored a weighted GPA of 103.853 and an unweighted GPA of 99.867- Couldn't be prouder of this kid. xoxo Keep it up Charlotte!

In other news, we had a weekend long softball tournament for her Sat/Sun. She did great. She had a few nice hits. I have a game going with her now where I pay her a reward for every awesome hit! A little incentive. I'm about to go broke. Haha  At least the travel team, as hardcore as it is, is keeping her on top of her game for school ball. Also keeping her in shape for volleyball, which starts late August.

(her beach hut lol)

She has travel team try outs the first week in August. Then as soon as we are done with that- On a plane and off to our South Carolina vacay! I cannot wait y'all! A week away at the family I used to nanny for, their estate. Woop! Then back to the grind. Web starts coaching and Charlotte starts volleyball. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Enjoying every minute of this break.

So I started my summer to-do's by cleaning the heck out of the bedroom. It was a hectic year of throwing things in the closet, all over, etc. So I took everything out of my bulging closet, tossed, donated, put stuff away for the winter, you name it. It's gone. I organized all of my summer stuff and the results are making me so happy. I did the same for Charlotte's closet filled with sports gear, etc.

So we are rocking and rolling here and couldn't be happier NOT to wake up at 5 AM. That's a big thing off the table.

(trying to keep on top of the gardening as well :))

Hope your week is off to a great start. Rainy here, but we needed it.

(CHEERS guys!)


Ann xo 
