The Playoffs...

 Happy Monday everyone! We heard that Papa Webster is on the mend. Sending him all the good vibes :)

Yesterday was a little hectic and I promised to check in and well, life... So here I am, biting my nails off waiting for Charlotte to get home before we drop her at the first playoff game tonight on home turf.

She was also not feeling well yesterday, but I tried my hardest to nurse her back to health and fingers crossed, she's goooood. Please send her some of those good vibes I always ask of you. I really hope they win and rock it.

So, I'm shoving a sandwich down as we speak, because we get home so late after the games, eating a huge dinner isn't in the cards. We are in the home stretch of school right now. Craaaawling to that finish line. Counting the days. The teachers are ready and so are the students.

Not much else to report. We had a washout weekend, but for yesterday. Did a lot of outside clean up and now I just have to tackle the basement filled with party decorations from our two big fiestas back to back. Then, I'll feel good.

Off I go to cheer on the girl! Send good thoughts her way, pleaaase.

Love, Annie
