Happy Mother's Day!

 It's been a few days since we've last spoken. This week has been the final push with all things softball, school commitments and this retirement party I put together for my colleague. I was crawling to that finish line guys.

The party was yesterday after school. It was a mad dash to load the car with all the decorations and centerpieces and get everything over to the restaurant in dress clothes and high heels. On the hottest day of the year so far. LOL So it was just Web and I carting this stuff back and forth up and down restaurant stairs. I was so tired right before the guests arrived I almost bolted out that back door to go home and crawl into bed. I was thinking, Would anyone notice if I wasn't here? LOL

But you're running on adrenaline at that point, suck it up and toast your colleague. Everyone seemed to have a blast. He was so surprised and grateful for everything I did. That made it all worth it. The centerpieces and favors were a big hit. Lots of work, but it's done and I'm hanging up my party planner hat for a while. I'm so freaking tired. I'm just glad both parties were successful and a load of fun. But my body and brain need a break.

(travel theme)

Charlotte had a game last night as well. My parents stepped in and were able to take her there and watch over her for us. Cheer her on and represent. Thank you Mom and Dad.

So lots of moving parts to get these last few days accomplished but we are done. We went over to Mom and Dad's a little while ago for a pre-Mother's Day dinner. We are beat! 

I hope you are all celebrating with your loved ones this weekend. Love you all xo, Ann

PS- We found out tonight Isabel Logios got her first teaching job. Teaching English in NYC! Congrats to her and yayyyyy.

(the party favors-his favorite beer, custom koozy and airplane bottle opener)


  1. Great job with the party Annie. Everyone loved it. Happy Mother's Day to you and all the women in my life who have in one way or another been a mom to me. I love you.

  2. Thanks Web and thanks for helping me lug all that stuff to the party :)


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