A Bittersweet Loss, But A BIG Win...

 Happy Hump Day everyone! Well, I have a softball play off update for you. First game, they lost, but it wasn't crushing. Then last night, they had to win to advance, it was a NAILBITER of a game at tie score 0-0, then 2-2, then went to the bottom of the 7th, still 2-2. Charlotte was only one of two players to score and then (sigh) the girl on the other team CRACKED a fly ball right into center field and the game was instantly over. They fought hard right til the bitter end. BUT... Here's the happy ending- I had to wait for Charlotte back at school after the game was over and the bus showed up. She said, "I'm not ready yet, The Coach wants us all to meet out on the field one last time..." So I'm sitting waiting... And she came running to the car- grinning ear to ear, she was given a HUGE recognition of being inducted into the ALL CONFERENCE group of elite athletes on the Island. I mean, the little freshman that could AND DID, right? It's such a huge honor. I left a write up below of exactly what it is to inducted into ALL CONFERENCE. Quite the accomplishment and honor and will look beautiful on her college applications.

So BRAVOOOO to our little peewee freshman who rose to the occasion and did more than prove herself to herself, the coach and her fellow teammates and apparently, based on the All Conference title, other coaches who have seen her play! Like wowwwww. So we are still smiling here about that great news. Beyond proud of that kid. She really hustles and works hard.

So, what now? LOL  Well, no rest  tonight, not just yet, we have a Spring Music Concert for her at 7:30. Waaay passed our bedtime these days. All three of us have been collapsing as soon as we come home from those long games. So tonight, the concert, tomorrow night Travel Team practice and then Memorial Day (much needed) nothing in the books, Weekend baby!

The road may have ended for the team last night, but I think everyone was ready and exhausted after a trying long season since February!

We really cannot wait. No softball, no nothing, just us. Finally resting. Thank you Jesus!

Sending more get well vibes upstate to David Webster.

Peace and love guys and THANK YOU for all your love and support for our slugger. It means the world. 


